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Renata Sosinska

Renata Sosinska was born and lived in Wroclaw, Poland.  She graduated from AM Painting, Graphics and Sculpture department at Academy of Fine Art in Wroclaw 1985 - 1990, followed by postgraduate studies 2002-2004.


Elected member of Society of Graphic Fine Art since 2014 and Southbank Printmakers since 2016. In the same year, she joined the Clink Press Studio in Bermondsey, London.


She is currently working with relief print in order to explore the possibilities of experimental layering of successive passes through the press. Her unique monoprints evolve gradually by building up multiple layers from a combination of inked matrixes and stencils. The results are both unpredictable and playful.


Print Award for “Westminster Abbey “ 

The Centenary Exhibitions of the Society of Graphic Fine Art, Mall Galleries 2021


Print Award for “Memories from Egypt” Draw 17, Menier Gallery 2017


President’s Award for “Eather way” SGFA , Mennier Gallery 2015





Mr Inscrewtable.jpg

Mr Inscrutable


Unique  monoprint.JPG



portrait of P.M.  linocut.JPG
westminster abbey.jpg

Westminster Abbey

Reduction Linocut image size 30 x 30cm

Framed £260 Unframed £200

3. Catch me  Collage based on linocut image size 30x30cm  Unframed £150.jpeg

Catch me

Collage based on linocut

 image size 30 x 30cm

Unframed £150




Silent night   linocut.JPG

Silent Night


Portrait of P.M.


big ben.jpg

Big Ben


5. Head in the clouds  Reduction Linocut  image size 30x 30 cm  Unframed £170.jpeg

Head in the clouds

Reduction Linocut 

image size 30x 30 cm 

Unframed £170

1. The other side  Linocut 30 x30cm Framed £200  Unframed £150.jpeg

The other side  


image size 30 x 30cm

Framed £200 

Unframed £150

8. What you feel Linocut Image size 30x30cm  Unframed £ 150.jpeg

What you feel


Image size 30 x 30cm 

Unframed £150

7. Can You See Me_ Linocut, 30 x 30cm monotype  in E.V. 20  Unframed £160.jpeg

Can You See Me?

Linocut monotype  in E.V. 20 

image size 30 x 30 cm 

Unframed £160

4. Full Moon Linocut image size 30 x30cm  Framed £200 Unframed £150.jpeg

Full Moon


image size 30 x 30cm

Framed £200 Unframed £150




image size 49x69cm

Unframed £220

Southbank Printmakers

Unit12, Gabriel's Wharf,

56 Upper Ground,

London SE1 9PP 


Tel: 020 7928 8184

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