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Medium Etching and Aquatint

size of print 45 by 45 cm

Size of edition (and number available to sell online) 20 , 10


Description  This print captures the various places in the City of London where I spent my career as a banker.  The Roman and Medieval London Wall with its distinct diamond-patterned bricks, now part of the structures at Alphage Gardens, the Guildhall - the ceremonial heart of the City’s administration, on to Saint Mary’s Axe to the Foster’s Gherkin and then on to the buzzy, airy, ornate Leadenhall Market, one of oldest markets in London dating back to the 14th century and finally along Cheapside to the iconic St Paul’s Cathedral.   During the week these places are alive with City workers but during the weekends one can feel its history and its magnificence.

June Corpuz - Around the City of London

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