The Gardener by Andrew Motion
In Memory of Lieutenant Mark Evison
We spent
many hours kneeling together in the garden
so many hours
Mark was
he liked lending a hand
watching Gardener’s World
building compost heaps
or the brick path with the cherry tree
that grows over it now the white cherry
where I thought I mustn’t cry
I must behave
as if he’s coming back
It was just after Easter
with everything in leaf
he is so sweet really
though worldly
before his time
I kissed him and said
See you
in six months and he turned round
he turned round and said
I opened the garden for the first time
the National Gardens Scheme
you know
what gardens are like in May
and this man was hovering
outside the front
as we walked down the side passage
he said
I’m a Major
I said
O my son he’s in the army
sort of brightly
Then no one was there
so I went
and I gardened all day
how slow how satisfying
I felt next morning
he was struggling for his life
He would be home
with three transfers
in three different planes
and if he died they would ring me
and they would go back
and they would not keep coming
my daughter Elizabeth and I drove to Birmingham
my mobile there on the dashboard
we had worked out the times of the last plane
and we arrived
and they still hadn’t called me
and he was still
He was lying he was
with this
with this big plastic hole
sort of
a bandage over a hole
just like
The reindeer the wild reindeer
giving birth in the snow
with the rest of the herd scarpering
they have seen the eagle above them
but the mother stands still
what am I going to do what
a bit restless and everything
but starting to lick her baby
with the eagle watching
Quietened that is the best word
to describe it I felt quietened
seeing the hills below
as we came into Kabul
I was thinking
Mark lived in a very green place
and here everything is purple
orange Turner colours I call them
In my imagination he is never dead
bandaged lost never dead
with my love
nowhere to go
I was thinking
thousands of lives
in an instant
and the molecules starting again
and the mountains never changing
how was I
but for a moment
I was
then losing height
with the brown earth rushing to meet me.